Palazzo Sacconi
The crenellated building of Palazzo Sacconi overlooks Viale Peretti and it was built to be the warehouse annexed to the noble residence of the Sacconi family from Porchia. It is named after the Sacconi counts. Luigi Fontana built it between the late 19th and early 20th centuries whilst he was finishing the Cathedral. In 1954, Bishop Vincenzo Radicioni acquired the building from the Sacconi family to make it the seat of the diocese of Montalto delle Marche, but the diocese never occupied the building. This substantial building is recorded in the Gregorian land registry. Part of the building was purchased by the nephews of Cardinal Carlo Sacconi, Giacomo and Stanislao. The structure, consisting offour floors, was used by the municipality in part as an archive and in part as a warehouse, hence the series of ramps on the right side of the façade to allow wagons to access the various floors of the building. Today Palazzo Sacconi is the private property of the heirs of the Sacconi family.